Then I find myself in a reflective mood as I begin blogging again. I am thinking about the things that were going on in my life 3 months ago and how much things have changed since then. The key word here is CHANGE. Change can be a wonderful thing. For me though, while it is somewhat thrilling, it is a scary, terrifying experience in other ways.
For whatever reason, I have just never handled change very well. Even though it may be exciting, it seems to frighten me on some level and in a way that I can just never explain.
So for instance, I am super excited about the changes happening at The Tipsy Bee. I have made sacrifice upon sacrifice to make The Tipsy Bee work. When Isay sacrifice, I mean both the time kind and the monetary kind. I have turned down offers to do fun things and not spent money on things that I really wanted, even felt I needed, to help The Tipsy Bee make it as a business.
And now on the eve of planting my grapes and pouring concrete for my new building, I am filled with pride, excitement, but still some dread. With every major transition of my life, I go through these exact emotions. You can imagine how trying my childhood was for my yes I wanted to go to kindergarten, but then I was terrified of leaving preschool. The story replayed itself with every transition... elementary school to middle school... high school to college. And though I survived each transition and found that the new experiences that came with the transition were awesome, change is still that thing that thrills me and scares me all at once.

And with that, I leave you to ponder how change makes you feel... and promise to be less reflective in my future blogging :-0)
xoxo The Tipsy Bee